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  • 조회 수 4495

Imports System

Module Module1

    Public Sub Main(ByVal ParamArray cmdArgs() As String)

        Console.WriteLine("입력파라메터 체크.")

        Dim arr_data(7000, 7000) As String

        System.Console.WriteLine("입력 길이 : {0}", cmdArgs.Length)

        'If called from C# using Process.Start(thisApp.exe,strArgs);

        '        For Each s As String In My.Application.CommandLineArgs

        If cmdArgs.Length = 0 Then

            System.Console.WriteLine("장안산단가압장 및 배수지용 일보 생성 프로그램 ... 이콘 박동연 차장 2011.10")


        End If

        If cmdArgs.Length < 1 Then

            System.Console.WriteLine("csv 화일명을 경로포함해서 입력해주세요.")


        End If

        Console.WriteLine("화일 존재여부 체크.")

        Dim I As Integer

        I = 0

        For Each s As String In cmdArgs


            '   MsgBox("write out args " + cmdArgs(Val(s)))

            I = I + 1


        Dim FavoritePictures As String = cmdArgs(0).ToString

        Dim MyFilename As String = cmdArgs(0).ToString

        If Right(MyFilename, 4) = ".csv" Then


            MyFilename = MyFilename & ".csv"

        End If

        If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(MyFilename) Then


            Console.WriteLine(".csv 화일(" & MyFilename & ")이 없습니다.")

            '            MsgBox("지정한 경로에 csv 화일이 생성되어 있지 않습니다. " _

            '            & vbCrLf & "폴더 경로 및 화일생성여부를 확인해하세요.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "csv 화일 읽기 에러 경고")


        End If

        Dim WriteFilename As String ' = cmdArgs(1).ToString

        WriteFilename = Left(Right(MyFilename, 10), 6) & ".xls"

        If Right(WriteFilename, 4) = ".xls" Then

            WriteFilename = "장안산단" & WriteFilename


            WriteFilename = "장안산단" & WriteFilename & ".xls"

        End If

        WriteFilename = "d:\report\일보\장안산단\" & WriteFilename

        Dim PrintMode As String

        If cmdArgs.Length = 2 Then

            PrintMode = cmdArgs(1)


            PrintMode = 0

        End If

        '   My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(FavoritePictures)



        ' Dim MyStream As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(cmdArgs(0).ToString)

        Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder

        Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(MyFilename)

        Dim Arr_txt() As String

        Dim Line_int As Integer

        Dim Col_int As Integer

        Dim on_time(100, 2) As String

        Dim off_time(100, 2) As String

        Dim pump_on_count1 As Integer

        Dim pump_on_count2 As Integer

        Dim DATE_STRING As String

        pump_on_count1 = 0

        pump_on_count2 = 0

        Line_int = 0

        col_int = 0

        Console.WriteLine(".csv 화일읽기.")

        Do Until sr.EndOfStream

            Arr_txt = sr.ReadLine.Split(",")

            col_int = 0

            For Each line As String In arr_txt

                'System.Console.Write("{0} ", line)


                arr_data(Line_int, Col_int) = line.ToString

                col_int = col_int + 1


            line_int = line_int + 1

            '            sb.AppendLine(sr.ReadLine) 'Note: You'll have to write your own FormatStr(Of String) As String



        Dim Arr_cp_data(2000, 2000) As String

        Dim arr_cpy_i, i_on_time_1, i_on_time_2 As Integer

        arr_cpy_i = 0

        i_on_time_1 = 0

        i_on_time_2 = 0

        Console.WriteLine("일보 요일 검출.")

        DATE_STRING = arr_data(1, 0)

        Dim DATE_CNV As String = Left(DATE_STRING, 6) & "20" & Right(DATE_STRING, 2)

        Dim MyString As String = "10-12-2011"

        Dim MyDateTime As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(DATE_CNV)

        Dim MyDateWeek As String = MyDateTime.DayOfWeek

        Select Case MyDateTime.DayOfWeek

            Case 0

                MyDateWeek = "일요일"

                Exit Select

            Case 1

                MyDateWeek = "월요일"

                Exit Select

            Case 2

                MyDateWeek = "화요일"

                Exit Select

            Case 3

                MyDateWeek = "수요일"

                Exit Select

            Case 4

                MyDateWeek = "목요일"

                Exit Select

            Case 5

                MyDateWeek = "금요일"

                Exit Select

            Case 6

                MyDateWeek = "토요일"

                Exit Select

            Case Else

                Exit Select

        End Select

        Dim Pump_Total_Run_Count(2) As Integer

        Dim MyDateString As String = MyDateTime.ToString("yyyy 년 MM 월 dd 일 ")

        MyDateString = MyDateString & MyDateWeek

        Pump_Total_Run_Count(0) = 0 ' 1호기

        Pump_Total_Run_Count(1) = 1 ' 2호기


        For I = 1 To Line_int

            If arr_data(I, 35) = "1" Then

                Pump_Total_Run_Count(0) = Pump_Total_Run_Count(0) + 1

            End If

            If arr_data(I, 36) = "1" Then

                Pump_Total_Run_Count(1) = Pump_Total_Run_Count(1) + 1

            End If

            If Right$(arr_data(I, 1), 5) = "00:00" Then

                arr_cpy_i = arr_cpy_i + 1

                For j = 0 To 40

                    Arr_cp_data(arr_cpy_i, j) = arr_data(arr_cpy_i, j)

                    ' System.Console.WriteLine(arr_cpy_i)

                Next j

            End If

            '   System.Console.WriteLine(Arr_cp_data(arr_cpy_i, 1))

            If arr_data(I, 35) = "1" And i_on_time_1 = 0 Then

                on_time(pump_on_count1, 0) = arr_data(I, 1)

                pump_on_count1 = pump_on_count1 + 1

                i_on_time_1 = 1

            End If

            If arr_data(I, 35) = "0" And i_on_time_1 = 1 Then

                off_time(pump_on_count1 - 1, 0) = arr_data(I, 1)

                i_on_time_1 = 0

            End If

            If ((arr_data(I, 35) = "1") And (i_on_time_1 = 1)) And ((Right(arr_data(I, 1), 7) = "0:00:00")) Then

                off_time(pump_on_count1 - 1, 0) = "23:59:59"

                i_on_time_1 = 0

            End If

            If arr_data(I, 36) = "1" And i_on_time_2 = 0 Then

                on_time(pump_on_count2, 1) = arr_data(I, 1)

                pump_on_count2 = pump_on_count2 + 1

                i_on_time_2 = 1

            End If

            If ((arr_data(I, 36) = "0") And (i_on_time_2 = 1)) Then

                off_time(pump_on_count2 - 1, 1) = arr_data(I, 1)

                i_on_time_2 = 0

            End If

            Console.WriteLine(Right(arr_data(I, 1), 8))

            If ((arr_data(I, 36) = "1") And (i_on_time_2 = 1)) And ((Right(arr_data(I, 1), 7) = "0:00:00")) Then

                off_time(pump_on_count2 - 1, 1) = "23:59:58"

                i_on_time_2 = 0

            End If

        Next I

        Console.WriteLine("엑셀 기동.")

        '   System.Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString)

        '   MsgBox("arr_data 배열크기 : " + Line_int.ToString)

        '   MsgBox("arr_data 배열크기 : " + arr_data.GetLength(0).ToString)

        '   MsgBox("arr_data rank크기 : " + arr_data.Rank.ToString)

        '   MsgBox("ARR_DATA SIZE : " + (arr_data.Length))

        Dim oExcel As Object

        Dim oBook As Object

        Dim oSheet As Object

        Dim ExcelFilename As String = "d:\REPORT\원본\장안산단일보.xls"

        If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(ExcelFilename) Then


            Console.WriteLine("원본 엑셀화일(" & ExcelFilename & ")이 없습니다.")


        End If

        'Start a new workbook in Excel

        oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

        ' oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add

        oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFilename)

        'Add data to cells of the first worksheet in the new workbook

        oSheet = oBook.Worksheets("sheet1")

        'oSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Last Name"

        'oSheet.Range("B1").Value = "First Name"

        'oSheet.Range("A1:B1").Font.Bold = True

        'oSheet.Range("A2").Value = "Doe"

        'oSheet.Range("B2").Value = "John"

        Console.WriteLine("엑셀 값 쓰기.")

        oSheet.Range("b3").Value = MyDateString

        '    oSheet.Range("A9").Value = arr_data(2, 3)

        oSheet.Range("d33").Value = on_time(0, 0)

        oSheet.Range("d34").Value = on_time(1, 0)

        oSheet.Range("d35").Value = on_time(2, 0)

        oSheet.Range("d36").Value = on_time(3, 0)

        oSheet.Range("d37").Value = on_time(4, 0)

        oSheet.Range("g33").Value = off_time(0, 0)

        oSheet.Range("g34").Value = off_time(1, 0)

        oSheet.Range("g35").Value = off_time(2, 0)

        oSheet.Range("g36").Value = off_time(3, 0)

        oSheet.Range("g37").Value = off_time(4, 0)

        oSheet.Range("k33").Value = on_time(0, 1)

        oSheet.Range("k34").Value = on_time(1, 1)

        oSheet.Range("k35").Value = on_time(2, 1)

        oSheet.Range("k36").Value = on_time(3, 1)

        oSheet.Range("k37").Value = on_time(4, 1)

        oSheet.Range("n33").Value = off_time(0, 1)

        oSheet.Range("n34").Value = off_time(1, 1)

        oSheet.Range("n35").Value = off_time(2, 1)

        oSheet.Range("n36").Value = off_time(3, 1)

        oSheet.Range("n37").Value = off_time(4, 1)

        oSheet.Range("aj9").Value = Pump_Total_Run_Count(0) + Pump_Total_Run_Count(1)

        Dim DataArray(0 To 100, 0 To 36) As Object

        Dim r As Integer

        Dim c As Integer

        c = 0

        For c = 0 To 35

            For r = 1 To 24

                DataArray(r - 1, c) = Arr_cp_data(r, c + 2)

            Next r

        Next c

        'Transfer the array to the worksheet starting at cell A2

        oSheet.Range("B9").Resize(24, 33).Value = DataArray

        Console.WriteLine("엑셀(일보) 저장.")

        If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(WriteFilename) Then



        End If


        'Save the Workbook and Quit Excel



        If PrintMode = 1 Then



        End If


        oExcel = Nothing

        Console.WriteLine("프로그램 종료.")


    End Sub

End Module


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