- 초코몽
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DCS or PLC? Seven Questions to Help You Select the Best Solution
Distributed Control Systems
(DCS) or Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLC)
For manufacturers in the
process industries, the
procedure for selecting the
best automation technology is
not as easy as it once was. In
the past it was fairly easy to
determine whether a PLC or a
DCS was right for your
application, because their
strengths and weaknesses were
well understood. In recent
years this has become more
difficult, thanks primarily to the
advancement of the
microprocessor, which has
allowed the technologies to
merge. With the trend toward
flexible manufacturing in
industry, many of the
applications in the process
industries now share the
requirements traditionally
thought to be exclusive to
either DCS or PLC. These hybrid
applications typically require a
process control system that can
deliver both PLC and DCS
capabilities. Thus understanding
the merging of PLC and
DCS functionality is important
for selecting the best system
for your company.
In this white paper, we will
shift away from some of the
classic stereotypes of DCS and
PLC , such as those shown in
Table 1 on page 9, in order to
explore seven key criteria,
which will help your company
select the system that best
meets your goals. We will also
demonstrate why having a
clear picture of the
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